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How to Read and Write files using CodeIgniter - PHP

How to read a file This post will explain how to read and write files using php. When reading a file from php, we can let the user select the file or we can give a specific file manually. Here is a explanation for reading and writing a csv file. if (!empty($_POST) && $_POST['file_upload']) {     $target_file = '/tmp/'  . basename($_FILES["file_name"]["name"]);     $fileType = pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);     if($fileType =='csv'){ // read the csv file. Discussed below }else{     $this->session->set_flashdata('error_message', "Please upload valid file type"); } Here we have check if the is a post(that means submit button has been pressed). Then we have uploaded the file to a folder called tmp. Then we check the file format(whether it is csv or not).   Then we set some config $config['upload_path'] = '/tmp'; $config['allowed_types'] = '*'; $config[...
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