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Showing posts from April, 2017

Useful git commands for pushing and pulling

First go to relevant folder from the terminal. cd 'project path' To clone existing git project, git clone 'project git clone link given by git' When you finish setting up new project, you need to download 3 rd  party directories to your project. To do that first go to relevant project folder in terminal and type following command. php composer.phar update After setting up the new project, you need to setup the database also. To do that you have to execute the sql as well. You can do your changes in a separate branch and merge it into main branch To create a new branch git checkout -b "developer_develop" You can do your developing and push it to your branch. git status It will display all files in the project that you have edited. You can set the file paths that you want to push. You can put more than one file at a time. To do that use a keyboard space between two files. git add application/modules/property/models/propert...

Start coding with CodeIgniter using PhpStorm on Ubuntu 16.04

CodeIgniter uses MVC architecture.  Model  Stores php files which are communicate with the database. Get, store, update informations to the database are handled by php files in model. Login, registration, etc...  View  Stores php files which display informations in the browser. Tables, images, descriptions, etc..  Controller   Stores php files which make the connection between model and the view. When files in the model get information, the controller will call the relevant file in the view and display them to the user. Let's start coding with CodeIgniter framework.  Step 1 : Download codeIgniter framework from  CodeIgniter . Step 2 : Copy files to a folder called Login (in my case the folder path /home/shyamali/Projects/CodeIgniter/Login) Step 3 : Then open Login folder by using PhpStorm. If you have not yet installed PhpStrom  How to install PhpStrom in Ubuntu 16.04 . Step 4 :  If you have not yet in...